Sunday Worship Worship services at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM, special study 9:50 AM

UMW Info Page

All things UMW will be featured here

United Methodist Women

Fellowship Circle Meetings

New Members Always Welcome

No Fellowship Circle Meetings in June, July, or August

  • ANNA meets the 1st Tuesday at 7 PM in members' homes.

Melinda Gunnels, Chair, 912-264-4114 (H),

  • LYDIA meets the 2nd Tuesday at 6 PM in members' homes.

Debbie Vogel, Chair, (814) 490-9771 (M),

  • MARY MARTHA meets the 2nd Tuesday at 12:30 PM (bring a sandwich) in members' homes.

Janet McDonald, rotating chair, 912-267-6486 (H),

Executive Board Meetings

All Women of the Church Welcome

  • The First Monday of January, March, May, September, and November at 4:45 PM in the Miller Building.

Unit General Meetings

All Women of the Church Welcome

  • General Meeting - Lydia Hostess - 7 PM - Monday, May 9th
  • World Thank Program and Offering - Anna Hostess - 7 PM - Monday, September 12th
  • Christmas Program & Installation Officers - Executive Board hostess - Noon Luncheon - Monday, December 12th

District Meetings

All women of the Church Welcome

  • Coastal District Annual Meeting - TBD - September
  • UMW Annual Conference Meeting - TBD - October

Conference Meetings

All Women of the Church Welcome

  • UMW Day celebrated in our church, TBA
  • Spiritual Growth Retreat - Epworth By the Sea, March
  • South Georgia Annual Conference - Columbus, June
  • Mission U - Epworth By the Sea, July